
Make sure, you have everything required installed.

  • Webserver nginx -v or apache2 -v

  • PHP (7.4 or newer) php -v

  • php-mbstring php -m

  • Git git --version

  • Mysql mysql --version

  • Curl curl --version

Use the installer

Copy this into your Terminal and press enter.

bash <(curl -s

Navigate with your arrow keys and press enter to submit. To focus <Ok> or <Cancel>, press tab. After completing all steps, move to Web configuration.

Web configuration

Go to your Webbrowser and type in your Domain/IP. If your website is stored in an extra directory as described earlier, add the directory name to your input. https://yourdomain/<directoryname> The website will automatically redirect you to the installation page.

Enter your Steam Web API Key, and your Database credentials. Test the connection. If the connection succeed, click on submit.

Now your going to create an admin user. Enter a secure password and click on submit. You get redirected to the start page. Click on Login in the top right corner.

If you're trying to add a Minecraft Server and your server doesn't support the query protocol, use 0 as query port.

After logging in click on the user avatar in the top right corner and click on Server in in the left. Click on Add a server and fill out the form. If Rcon is disabled, use 0 as Rcon Port.

Last updated